We had such a wonderful Halloween week. We had a ward trunk r treat and one at school and work and then a neighborhood party. BIG WEEK! This year Paisley wanted to be a butterfly and Diesel was super man. CUTE bunch
WE missed alittle of the school one but she didn't care. Thank goodness.
Getting more and more junk at the work party. Not enough kids, WAY to much candy.
This year I was incharge of the neightborhood party. We had a good time and then we walked around with everyone gathering tonz of candy. Around 7 we head home and then let our kids hand out candy. They love it. After 20 minutes we ran out of candy so the kids wanted to hand out the candy they had in there bucket. 20 more minutes went by and we had a candy free house and two happy kids. What little sweet hearts.
Dad was such a good sport and dressed up like a basketball coach. HOT MOMMA!!! Paisley decided that at night she wanted to be a dead lady bug so she added some black to her face and some spots. Funny girl
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
1 week ago
Oh my dear friend I miss you so very much you have been on my mind so very much these past few years...I am so very sorry I was not a better friend to you when I lived in Vegas...To be honest...I guess I don't know how to be a "real" friend...You allowed me to copy many recipes, because you are an amazing cook and well I am not...You fed my hubby...which NO ONE HAS DONE OUT HERE...you were there when I needed a friend...a real friend...I have had a hard time opening myself up out here because I know that I will just have to say good bye again to those I have grown so very close too...You housed me for a few days, and dealt with my drama when my baby threw up when I was an short notice somewhat unexpected guest. I was not there mentally to deal with the embarrassment and clean up of it all, and have felt bad since... I was jealous of the wonderful friendships you made and should not have been...KATIE I AM TRULY SORRY IF I CAUSED YOU ANY TEARS...OR ANGER TOWARDS ME AND MY ACTIONS... I miss our outings, I miss our talks, I miss everything about you, my dear friend...I have written Brett messages, praying and hoping he would pass them on to you...I tried calling but was not sure if I had the right number...I have a bunch of issues, but really felt bad that I was not there for you m y friend when you Really needed a friend when you lost your baby... I really wanted to just tell you how much I honestly think the world of you and am so very sorry for the way I was...I hope you can forgive me...I would LOVE to talk or even see you again...this was a small effort to try and contact you to apologize and ask for forgiveness...You truly were so very kind to me and my small family...I have Never forgotten you kindness through out it all and never will, my phone number is still the same...480-620-7153 or you can e-mail me... jamiemcghan@yahoo.com I hope and pray you are well and happy...PLEASE contact me if you ever get this...it would mean the world to me...Thank you for your friendship and kindness through out it all...you hold a special place in my heart Katie...and always will...I miss you...
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